1 min readJul 9, 2022


This is a well written description of the Christian Right's putative beliefs about abortion, but I am not buying that this is really why they are against it. Of course they are all going to say it's because "babies" are being "murdered." But you'll find many of them also want to make contraception illegal, and that is the immediate and conclusive tell that preventing abortions isn't really their motivation. Outlawing contraception would increase abortions, likely by a large factor. This quest to ban contraception, which Clarence Thomas has already suggested that litigators push for next, belies the obessesion with "saving babies" and makes it clear what these people's motives were from the beginning, i.e., reversing the freedoms that women have achieved in society since the pill became widely available. There is nothing the Christian Right hates more than women leaving the home to work in "men's jobs" instead of staying home in their "natural" domain where they raise the children, take care of the home, and support their husbands, who are "the head of household." A mountain of righteous fury about indepenent women that has been building since the 1960s is being brought to bear in these policies. Their goal is to reverse every liberal societal change of the last 60 years.




Linguist, philosopher, lover of history, wordhound, 21 year New Yorker, searching for meaning in the universe